Picosure Tattoo Removal

Provided by InkOff.MD℠ in Honolulu Hawaii

The Best & Most Cost Efficient Tattoo Removal Treatment…Period!

Traditional laser tattoo removal can result in multiple treatment sessions which can take 1-2 years to remove… resulting in high cost for removal, multiple missed days at work, repeated pain with treatments, and complications (scarring, hypo pigmentation, hyperpigmentation ).

Some factors that determine how tattoos can be removed using the outdated traditional laser include:

  • Size & Location of the Tattoo
  • Color
  • Density of the ink

The NEW PicoSure laser treatments do not depend upon those factors, and the PicoSure can remove most of the tattoo pigment between 6months to 1 year…with less pain.

Consultations are complimentary. We do work with the patient to make sure that the cost of removal is affordable. All prices are based upon individual evaluation of the tattoo.

Pricing is based upon the size of the tattoo. We offer competitive pricing. Cost is based upon square inches. EXAMPLE: based on a 3 sq. inch tattoo. $50 X 3 sq. inch= $150 per treatment.

PicoSure, is the most EFFICIENT Tattoo Removal Technology Available!

Contact Us Now for a FREE Consultation! 808-949-8346

Vein & Skin Center of Hawaii | Powered by ClinicGrower

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