Using heat to destroy hair follicles has become very popular as a laser hair removal treatment. The desired result of permanently removing hair is almost always achieved.
Usually a topical anesthesia is applied prior to the procedure for the minimization of pain. You should discuss this with your health care professional prior to your treatment in order to use the recommended amount of the anesthetic.
Side effects of the laser hair removal treatment can range from blistering, swelling, redness, and discoloration. During the healing process, you should avoid sunlight.
Other treatments include; a needle epilator that places a small wire near the hair shaft and inside the follicle with an electrical current essentially injected for the destruction of the hair root. The loose hair is removed with tweezers.
Electrolysis uses a shortwave radio frequency after a probe is inserted into the hair follicle which destroys the hair’s growth. Electrolysis requires several appointments to destroy the follicle.
Epilators with tweezers use the electric current to remove the unwanted hair. The effectiveness of this treatment is still in the study phase.
Depilatories using creams or lotions contain alkaline or acid formulations that impact the protein structure of the hair resulting in its dissolving into a substance that can be wiped off the skin. You can learn more by also visiting --> unwanted body hair removal.
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