Laser Hair Removal Treatment & Skin Care Tips

It certainly is an awkward issue these days but unwanted chest hair has become a large focal point in modern American society.

This issue can leave almost anyone; yes both male and female, feeling embarrassed and ultimately aggravated in public situations where the chest is revealing to other individuals.

Laser Hair Removal

In this case, removing unwanted chest hair from the affected region becomes essential. Laser hair removal decreases the hair's development and visibility.

Compared to electrolysis therapy, laser hair removal is much more safe when it comes to affecting the sensitive tissue of the upper most layers of the skin and is showing, according to recent surveys and reports, to be more favorable as opposed to electrolysis.

A significant benefit of laser hair removal is that it may be utilized on just about all areas of the physique. Most definitely the chest can feel fairly reactive though laser hair removal is minimally distressing with moderate pain.

Laser Hair Removal

Like any laser treatment the patient can expect a certain amount of discomfort as you are dealing with ‘laser’ treatment. Applying non-chemical creams and soothing ointments to the treated areas can easily remedy these types of discomfort. Once again with any type of laser treatment you can expect a small degree of discomfort.

Individuals who are active in direct sunlight should take appropriate precautions so as to protect the laser treated area from additional burn. Yes, laser treatment is a small burn so when you allow direct sunlight to target the already affected area, you will feel more discomfort and pain. Here’s an idea, cover up with sunscreen or minimize your exposure to direct sunlight when and if you can.

The typical routine for best results is about 6-8 sessions. There is no easy way around getting rid of unwanted hair. No magic wand to wave in one session and poof the hair is gone and never coming back. This procedure takes time however the results speak for themselves.

Treatment for other parts of the body will obviously vary so we encourage you to contact one of our specialists for a consultation and more information. Our objective is to figure out what exactly it is that you are looking for, present you with the best options and move forward from there.

Here at the Hawaii Vein & Skin we specialize in multiple areas of dermatology so please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Laser hair removal and treatment can certainly change those embarrassing, awkward, and aggravating circumstances into moments of pride and relief.

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