
How To Manage and Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose veins, also known as varicosities, affect nearly 40 million adults in the US. Approximately 40% of men, and 70% of women will develop some form of varicose veins by the age of 60. Caused by prolonged periods of standing on your feet, pregnancy, and certain genetic factors, veins that are meant to drain blood from legs and feet can weaken, stretch, and dilate. As common as the condition might seem, here are a few ways to prevent, manage, and treat varicose veins.



The best way to manage varicose veins is to avoid them all together! One way to avoid getting varicose veins is establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Staying active and avoiding long periods of sitting or standing will help, but if your job call for it, wearing compression stockings may also help prevent the formation of varicose veins.


The most common symptoms of varicose veins are tired or achy legs, swelling, and cramping. A few ways to manage the side effects of unhealthy veins include:

  • Elevation - Putting your feet up for just 10 minutes a day can help. Lie down on a sofa and make sure your feet are raised higher than your heart
  • Weight Management – If you are considered overweight, losing some weight will ease pressure on the veins, and improve blood flow
  • Footwear – Try to avoid wearing high heels, as they put your body out of alignment. Wearing lower heeled shoes naturally helps strengthen your calf muscles, which will helps the blood flow through your veins.
  • Diet – An important staple of your diet should be foods that increase the tone of your muscles. Fruits, vegetables, and a good multivitamin are your best friends!
  • Exercise – Any exercise that gets your circulation going and tones your leg muscles will help manage your varicose veins. Simply incorporating walking and stretching into your daily routine can be very beneficial!


When seeking treatment for varicose veins, you have a few options. Luckily, most of those options are minimally invasive and allow for a relatively quick return to your daily routine. We offer a range of procedures depending the severity of your condition.

Visual Sclerotherapy

Visual Sclerotherapy treats smaller visible veins by injection of a harmless solution into the vein that eliminates them.

Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy

Ultrasound Guided Sclerothrapy treats problematic veins that contribute to the formation of varicose and spider veins that EVLA cannot effectively eliminate.

Endovenous Laser Therapy

This procedure closes the superficial vein that is the source of varicose and spider veins-the great saphenous vein. A special laser is inserted into the thigh under local anesthesia. The heat from the laser closes the vein in under an hour.

EVLA is far less painful than surgical vein stripping, works better, requires no hospitalization, and there is minimal associated down time.


Once varicose veins have formed on the surface, they remain permanently dilated and damaged with blood clots in them. Phlebectomy is the simple process of making micro incisions in the skin to remove them under local anesthesia.

This eliminates that particular vein permanently and leaves no scarring. You can also return to activity the same day

Click Here for a full description of our treatment options, or contact us to schedule you complimentary consultation today!

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