Eliminate Underarm Sweat and Prepare For miraDry®

People sweat.

It's a part of life. But for some, it can be excessive.

Fortunately, miraDry® is a clinically proven option to prevent underarm sweat and odor. But how can you prepare for this revolutionary treatment? Below are some things you need to know about getting ready for miraDry®.

Underarm Sweat Solutions

Do you qualify?

To understand if you need miraDry®, it's important to know if it would be recommended for you.

If you answer yes to most of the questions below, you might want to consider miraDry®:

  • Are you self-conscious about your sweat?
  • Does your underarm sweat have an unpleasant odor?
  • Do you avoid social activities because you worry about sweating in front of others?
  • Have you taken other steps to prevent sweating, such as new clothing options or prescription-strength deodorants?

How do you prepare for the miraDry® procedure?

Before you get the miraDry® procedure, there are a few recommended steps to keep in mind to ensure a positive experience.

  • Shave both underarms 4-6 days in advance of the procedure
  • Wash armpits daily for a week before the procedure (consult with your miraDry® specialist about the best cleanser to use)
  • Wear a tank top on the day of the procedure
  • Bring ibuprofen to help with post-procedure soreness
  • Have 4 small size plastic water bottles in the freezer to use as ice packs following the procedure
  • Do not wear sleeveless shirts for at least a week, due to discolored and swollen areas

What To Do After miraDry®

Following the miraDry® procedure, there is some minor at-home care that you'll want to keep in mind.

  • Wrap paper towels around frozen water bottles and ice underarm areas for 20 minutes at a time
  • Take ibuprofen to handle any discomfort
  • Cleanse the underarms with soap and water twice a day for the first two days
  • Do not use antiperspirant or deodorant for two weeks
  • Wear a loose top to avoid irritation
  • Avoid vigorous activity for a few days
Underarm Sweat Solutions

What to Expect From miraDry®

After the miraDry® procedure, you can expect to be free and clear of excessive sweating.

You'll experience:

  • Little to no pain/downtime
  • Immediate and lasting results
  • Significant sweat and odor reduction

Excessive underarm sweat can be a struggle, but there is a way to take care of it. With a little planning and proper preparation, you can come in for a simple procedure, and walk away feeling more confident and sweating a lot less.

If you suffer from excessive underarm sweat, miraDry® is for you!

Nobody understands your condition, or the treatment better than Dr. Chung and his staff at the Vein & Skin Center of Hawaii.

Get rid of your underarm sweat for good. Take the first step by calling us at (808) 949-8346 to make an appointment.

Vein & Skin Center of Hawaii | Powered by ClinicGrower

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