Even though plastic surgery has come a long way since its inception, it still has a long way to go and covers more than just face lifts,
liposuction and breast augmentations.
Interestingly enough surgery procedures like butt lifts and breast implants are no longer as popular as they once were. Surface
procedures, like Botox and laser treatment (including laser
vein treatment)
are growing in numbers
Just last year 6.1 million Botox injections were administered.
So why are more consumers making appointments for anti-aging treatments nowadays? Dr. Youn, a plastic surgeon out of Detroit, Michigan, believes that facial procedures are minimally invasive and offer amazing results with little down time and almost no pain.
Plus daytime television is to be held accountable. The Doctor, Dr. Oz, and others can’t stop referring to the latest technology in cosmetic treatment.
Have you had any vein surgery or laser liposuction treatment? How does it compare to the overall feeling you get after a Botox injection?
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