All Your Questions about Hyperhidrosis & Excessive Sweat, Answered

If you suffer from hyperhidrosis, you’re not alone. Nearly 365 million people are struggling with excessive sweating, according to the International Hyperhidrosis Society. Yet, a lot of people still have questions about it. What is the cause? Can it be treated? Below are your top questions about your sweat, answered.

What is hyperhidrosis?

Hyperhidrosis is a medical condition where you experience excessive, uncontrollable sweating. It can impact just one area or the whole body. People most commonly experience it on their feet, hands, face, and armpits.


How does it develop?

There are two types of hyperhidrosis:

  • Primary – This means you sweat a lot for no reason.
  • Secondary – This means you’re experiencing excessive sweating due to another medical condition such as obesity, menopause, diabetes, an overactive thyroid, pregnancy, etc.

When it comes to the primary condition, there are no known causes. Researchers know that genes play a role, but that’s all. With the secondary condition, you’ll experience excessive sweat due to another medical issue.

Can hyperhidrosis be treated?

In short, yes. There are several hyperhidrosis treatment options available, but we recommend miraDry®. miraDry® is a nonsurgical treatment that targets and destroys the sweat and odor glands in the underarms. It’s a long lasting, noninvasive treatment.

Once you get rid of your sweat glands, they will be gone for good and you’ll notice the difference immediately.

Here’s what to expect:

  • Little to no healing time – You can go back to work the same day.
  • Simple, safe procedure – The procedure only takes a few minutes.
  • Painless – A small amount of local anesthetic is used to ensure comfort, but standard routines and exercise can be resumed in a few days.

This permanent solution has no risk and the results are impressive.

Excessive Sweat

Can hyperhidrosis spread?

While primary hyperhidrosis doesn’t spread, you’ll sweat on very specific parts of your body. It is usually symmetrical, meaning it happens on both sides of the body.

There are some common focal areas:

  • Hands
  • Feet
  • Underarms
  • Face or head

Most people experience excessive sweat on more than one area. Primary hyperhidrosis usually starts during adolescence. You’ll likely have excessive sweating episodes at least once a week.

With secondary hyperhidrosis, you’ll sweat on larger areas of the body. This condition usually starts in adulthood, when another medical condition arises.

Can hyperhidrosis cause dehydration, hair loss, eczema, or acne?

Hyperhidrosis can definitely impact other parts of your body and health. It’s important to keep track of your symptoms and relay them to your doctor.

Below are a few quick answers to how sweat impacts the rest of your health:

  • Can it cause dehydration? Yes. Excessive sweating usually means that you’re losing a large amount of water, so you can experience dehydration.
  • Can it cause hair loss? Slightly. Your hair might be dehydrated, the bacteria could cause fungal infections, or lactic acid could damage your hair.
  • Can it cause weight gain or weight loss? No. Weight loss or gain has nothing to do with excessive sweat. Obesity could cause secondary hyperhidrosis, but not the other way around.
  • Can it cause eczema? If you already have eczema, excessive sweating can cause you to have a flare up. Your sweat could dry out your skin, irritating it.
  • Can it cause acne? No. Sweat does not cause acne; however, it can contribute to a breakout if you aren’t properly washing your face.

If you suffer from excessive underarm sweat, miraDry® is for you!

Nobody understands your condition, or the treatment better than Dr. Chung and his staff at the Vein & Skin Center of Hawaii.

Get rid of your underarm sweat for good. Take the first step by calling us at (808) 949-8346 to make an appointment.

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